Good day everyone,
I felt compelled to write today about being owned and what it means to me.This is an incredibly emotional subject for me so I ask that you please bear with my ramblings.Thank you.
Being owned as a submissive woman.It goes so far beyond the obvious kink of the lifestyle, a title or a place in exsistence.In allowing myself to be owned so completely I have complete and utter freedom. I can fly freely as the full woman I was always meant to be, not what society dictates. All of the colors of my soul vibrate so wonderfully from me. I feel as if my body is actually singing.My step is lighter, my mind clearer of the clutter of life. I feel securely safe, watched over and possessed. Regardless of my mood, the kind of day that I am having or if I look like warmed over death I am accepted in total. I feel personal limit's that I have had for a lifetime being tested, challenged and eventually overcome. These limits not being sexual but the stuff of life.I grow, evolve and become wise. I need nothing and want for little. My soul finds satisfaction again in the little things that mean so much but can be so easily overlooked in a hectic world. I have renewed purpose not merely in serving my Seeker but different paths of direction are constantly opening up at my feet. I see the world as a place that I do not have to conquer or fit into. I see it as a vast mystery that I can absorb, learn from and nurture. My wing's glimmer in the sunlight and I fly unabashed and unhindered.
This blessing has been brought into my life by my Seeker, The Seeker of Enlightenment aka Monroe. This wonderful man came into my life and forever changed it.He is teaching me what a true dominant man is. Not merely the lifestyle definition but the epitome of a man in all his glory. He not only is a dominant that dreams are made of but a man whose foundation of self is based on self sacrifice, intelligence, honesty, growth, sincereity, intense care for others and just pure heart.We have saved each other from this cruel world. We love each other without conditions, lift each other up when life gets rough, support each other's opinion's and view's and grow as individual's and alone adding to the incredible intensity which is us. I always thought that miracles were only in the Old Testament, that was until I met and fell in love with my owner, my destiny, my Seeker. I am owned so completely and lovingly like a favorite childhood toy or memory. I am sacred, have worth and beauty in his eyes.I am slowly forging myself into perfection for him. I will have no less for the man who has completed my life so harmoniously,so wonderfully.
He loves and cares for my son when no other took the time. He understands his disability and rather than chastize him for it, he helps my son to work within what he is capable of. He has become a friend to my son and a person that my son turns to in times of crisis and uncertainty.My Seeker uses no tools, no learned behaviors...he simply and effortlessly just uses who he is as a human being and that to me is what a father figure should be.
My Seeker is a man who when I was sick and we were at a distance or he was traveling on business, sent me socks to keep my feet warm and medicine for my body. When the weather is unbearably hot, he sends me and my son to a hotel with air conditioning and pool to keep cool. He pays close attention to me and has sent my favorite movies for us to share,favorite perfumes or little things.When he thought I was not eating well enough he sent a food care package to me. When I was in pain and miserable he sent a heating pad, chocolates and love notes. When someone in my life caused me pain or stress, he personally spoke with them in a mature and firm tone to get them to cease. When my power was due to be shut off, he took care of that. When he felt my son was doing good in school, he would send money with directions to buy my son some toys to reward his good behavior. In learning one of my hardest lessons...reclaiming my femininity, he has been lovingly relentless. Sending me to buy clothes, make up and other girly things. He encourages each odd new apiphany that I have, that are now coming out of the woodwork unseen by me. Whether that be a desire to decorate cakes, gardening, surround myself in lavender, write stories, learn new recipes and new avenues of cooking,etc.He revels in my intelligence and humor and does not feel intimidated by them. He puts up with my daily stressful situations with ease.He is eternally patient and understanding knowing that I will learn my lessons and make my corrections in time.Seeker is the man I was born for and meant to love it just took 36 years to find him!
What I give him in return? My all, my everything,balance. My friendship, heart and soul.My troubles, my woes and my pain. My embarassments, failures and sucessess. My talents, my loving nature,my special gifts. I learn for him and constantly try to excel for him in everything.I give him my past and my future. I give him my trust, acceptance and authority.I am here forever through the good times and the bad.Each day is a new day in which to love him, explore him and make his life paradise a small step at a time. I make him smile when he is down, show him hope when he is uncertain. I give to him all of my job titles: cook, nurse, counselor,maid, lover,partner,seamstress, soulmate,accountant,budget balancer,madonna/whore,party planner,interior decorator,house cleaner,confidante, secretary and anything else he needs or desires in life. I am his, owned by this perfect man that I am cherished by. Graced with his presence in my life, in so many respects he is my own personal alpha and omega. I love you my Seeker and thank you for making my life blissful, purposeful and letting me rejoice in freely being a woman. I am proud to be yours.
Thank you for reading everyone and may your deepest dreams in this life come true!~
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~
Hanging by a Moment- LifeHouse
Desperate for changing,
Starving for truth,Im closer to where I started,
Chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in love with you,letting go of all I've held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
Forgetting all Im lacking,completely incomplete,
I'll take your invitation,you take all of me.
Now,Im falling even more in love with you,letting go of all Ive held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
I'm living for the only thing I know,
I'm running and not quite sure where to go,
and I don't know what I'm tapping into,
Just hanging by a moment here with you.
There's nothing else to lose, nothing else to find,
There's nothing in the world,that can change my mind,
There is nothing else...
There is nothing else...
There is nothing else...
Desperate for changing,
Starving for truth,
I'm closer than where I started,
Chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in love with you, letting go of all I've held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
I'm living for the only thing I know,
I'm running and not quite sure where to go,
and I don't know what I'm diving into,
Just hanging by a moment here with you.
Just hanging by a moment,
Hanging by a moment...
Hanging by a moment...
Hanging by a moment here with you.