Friday, November 30, 2007

Updates and a favor to ask you good folk.

Lovely day ladies and gentleman,

First of all, thank you all who have written asking about my website and updates. I thank you for your patience during my hiatus. The updates for December should be up and running within the next few days.Again, my site would not be what it is without your views, comments and opinions.

Second, I wish to ask those of you who can spare a few minutes to help endulge me on a pet project that I have. A Detroit news station is offering up Hannah Montana tickets to a few select children via a voting system.Now all of the children applying are worthy contestants. There is one that stands out from the crowd...Ali McManus. This little girl has cancer and this may be her last opportunity to enjoy her idol. I implore you all to take a few minutes of your valuable time to vote ( or vote many times) for this child. You just may be the key to offering a bandaid of support for this child and her ordeal.

Thank you all for reading, your patience and your support.

Warmest Regards,

~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Updates arriving.

Hello everyone,
The updates for October should be on my website within the next few days. Again, I appreciate your patience.It has been an incredibly hectic few weeks and I am slowly getting back on track. I thank you all for your continued support, emails and visitations.

Have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Living D/s and the chaos of distance

Lovely day everyone,

I am answering a few emails I have received asking me how Seeker and I manage a real time relationship in the face of his traveling for business.In short the answer is this: love, devotion, trust and sincereity.

A slightly more detailed answer: We do not let the distance interfere with us anymore than it has to. True, Seeker travels constantly due to his career. You could say that he spends a little over half of his time here in Washington with me and the rest, on business. We both know that this traveling of his is for the short term and will not last forever.Keeping that knowledge in mind, we both see the future as bright and fufilling.

You have asked me if either of us is married or otherwise in another relationship, to explain the "traveling". Absolutely not the case. Seeker and I are mature adults and due to that fact, we researched each other extensively in our beginning months. You have to be safe online, period.Both of us have a great deal to lose in our personal lives...far too much to risk to not search each other out completely.I hope this answers your question concerning this.

How we survive? Easily. We know that we will hurt when we are separated.So we plan for these times. We encourage each other to hold on, to stay strong. We let the other know they are loved and never truly alone.The distance may seem a hinderance for many couples and ultimately lead to that relationships destruction.We prepare for the temporary loneliness and compensate for it. I still serve him no matter if he is right in front of me or over the phone and in emails. He is still my dominant whether he is in our bed or on the road.Besides, we both know we are meant to be for each other and are both equally stubborn enough to stand the test of time and life's trials.We have faith in our love and trust in our stability as individuals and as a couple.There has been no person who could tear us apart so why should we allow some temporary distance to do it?

So do we have a strong D/s foundation? Absolutely.Do we have kink in our lives? Definently.Do we have a deep friendship and companionship? Yes. We have the same values, morals and ideals.What Seeker and I share cannot be found easily and we both waited a lifetime for each other.

Can we survive the distance? Always. The dream has come true for us. Our puzzles are now complete.The distance will be but a memory and the future is our reward.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

September updates to my site

Hello and good day everyone,
Based on the emails that I have received regarding the updates made to my site for August I have decided to leave all of them up for another month.
It seems that these updates have both caused positive acknowledgements in people and negative ranting. The main reason for keeping these updates a little longer is this: The negative ranting. Those particular individuals had much to say about their opinions and how they thought I was wrong. Perhaps I am, I can only express my vision of D/s and BDSM as a grouping of entities.I am only one woman passionate about her submission and attempting to share with those who would listen, how it has changed my life. What I believe the truth is about D/s, from the depths of me.
So the August updates stay through September. In the hopes that I may reach more out there. The positive emails that I received were deeply personal and touched me enough to keep the articles in place. For those who desired updates for September all that I ask is for your understanding and acceptance of why I chose to do this. I will update for October for those who have so kindly asked about them.New pages will be born as well.
For those few of you who called me a "wannabe", I compel you to sincerely search within you on the label you have so ungraciously given to me. Please, put aside the "sexual" and "kink" labels you have given D/s and give it a chance.You may find something within you that begs further investigation. Something that may like it has me, changed my whole life.
Warmest Regards,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am crying tears of happiness for this family.

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Youssif, the 5-year-old Iraqi boy who was savagely burned by masked men, arrived in the United States late Tuesday with his family -- the first step toward his lengthy rehabilitation.

For a family whose lives were tortured by the random and brutal violence of Iraq, the sheer magnitude of stepping onto American soil was surreal. His parents were rendered speechless. Quite simply they grinned from ear to ear. They didn't need to speak. The joy on their faces was palpable.

They had traveled more than 7,500 miles to get help for their son, from war-torn central Baghdad to coastal Los Angeles. It marked the first time the family had ever left their homeland, let alone flown on a plane.

"Oh my God, it's so green. Am I in heaven?" Youssif's mother, Zainab, said after arriving in Chicago before the family flew on to Los Angeles where Youssif will be treated.

"I feel like I'm in a dream," said his father, whom CNN has agreed not to name. "Someone needs to pinch me." Watch CNN's Arwa Damon tell what Youssif and his baby sister did first »

The family left Amman, Jordan, early Tuesday en route to the United States. The night before they departed, Youssif didn't sleep a wink. He woke the family up extra early, shouting, "Let's go! Let's go!"

Youssif, his parents and his infant sister, Ayaa, finished their 24-hour journey in Los Angeles around 11 p.m. PT Tuesday. They were greeted by members of the Children's Burn Foundation, the nonprofit organization that paid for the family's travel and is covering all of Youssif's medical bills.

Youssif playfully fought with his father over the luggage cart in Los Angeles International Airport. "I want to push it. I want to push it," he said gleefully.

Don't Miss
Boy, 5, doused in gas, set on fire by masked men
Help is on the way for Youssif
Burned boy's dad: 'Anything for Youssif'
Impact Your World
See how you can make a difference
The family was then whisked away to the two-bedroom, two-bath apartment where they will be staying during Youssif's treatment. It's a stark contrast to their humble one-room home in a rundown central Baghdad neighborhood rife with violence.

There was a television, toys everywhere, and a balcony. A crib sat in the kids' bedroom and the kitchen even had a high-chair so that Youssif's sister would be able to eat with them at the table. For the first time in a long time, the family laughed out of pure joy. See Youssif play with his new toys »

When Youssif walked into the new home, he glanced at the plush wall-to-wall carpet and ordered everyone to take their shoes off. Don't get it dirty, he said. His mother opened a door in the master bedroom and marveled at the walk-in closet. "Is this a bedroom? It can't be a closet," she said.

Standing on the apartment's balcony, Youssif's father turned to Barbara Friedman, executive director of the Children's Burn Foundation.

"You see America on television, but you never imagine or dream that you will ever be here." He paused, tears in his eyes.

"It's more than paradise."

For the rest of this article, please visit

Have a beautiful, remarkable and joyful day,

~breath{MS}~ xoxox

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

To this day, I still have no words. Never Forget

Myspace Graphics - Sept 11, 2001 - We Will Never Forget

I was there on 9/11

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Watch Out Portland, Oregon!

PORTLAND, Ore. - An admitted pedophile who blogs about his attraction to young girls has found a new home in Portland.
Jack McClellan, 45, who has no serious criminal record, announced this morning that he moved to the Rose City from Southern California, where he created waves after moving there earlier this summer.
McClellan has said he is attracted to little girls, but he is 99 percent sure he would never do anything illegal with a child.
For years, McClellan maintained a Web site in Washington state in which he posted pictures of children in public places and talked about areas he liked to stake out where little girls congregate.
He was arrested last month outside a Southern California day care holding a camera, which allegedly violated a restraining order requiring him not to loiter or congregate within 30 feet of minors. Charges were later dropped.

* The rest of the article can be found here:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Welcome to September.

Hello and good day to everyone,
Welcome to September and an update on the updates *smile*.
I will have the September updates to the site uploaded by the end of the week. My son does not start school until Wednesday and there are still many things to do. Rest assured, nothing has been forgotten just waylaid with good reason.Seeker and I are still trying to find and finalize a home and sheesh..there is so much involved with that. It is blissful chaos!~Life is beautiful.
So please take care one and all and I shall return soon.
Always remember....This is your life...are you who you want to be?
Much Love,
~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I want to play a game.


Lovely day ladies and gents,
As those of you who are close to me know, I am a huge horror movie buff. With that said, the Saw series is my favorite in the genre. The game I propose to play with you all here is called " Stop ~breath's~ head from exploding" from trying to figure out how the heck Saw 4 is going to play out. I now know that I am sincerely a sadist at heart after spending hours trying to figure this out( self mental mutilation, anyone?). I know many of you either would say" Its just a movie, let it go" or " Why figure it out, it will ruin it"...but...but..argggggggggggg!
For those of you who are not interested in the least bit in this post, please have a good day and come back when my sanity has returned..HA. For those of you who have an interest in the Saw series...let us begin.

This is what we know:

1). Jigsaw is dead...dead I tell you! Deader than a doornail, as spoken by the producers themselves. " Mark Burg confirmed in yet another interview that Jigsaw had indeed been killed off in Saw III". So that is not disputed.

2.) Amanda, Jigsaw's apprentice is also dead and will not be returning as a living being in Saw 4, only in flashbacks.

3).The character Jeff still has his game to finish by finding his daughter somewhere in Jigsaw's lair.

4). Unanswered questions from Saw 3: What the heck was in that envelope that Jigsaw gave to Amanda...what did she read that upset her so much? Just what was on that tape that Jigsaw covered in wax on his bedside table? Who was the woman in the flashbacks Jigsaw had while he was "hallucinating" for lack of a better word? Why was the character Obi from Saw 2 seen in the same flashback John had with the woman in the park?

Okay....deep breath.....

What we know from the producers so far about Saw 4:

Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) and his apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith) are dead. Upon the news of Detective Kerry (Dina Meyer)'s murder, two seasoned FBI profilers, Agent Strahm (Scott Patterson) and Agent Perez (Athena Karkanis), arrive at the depleted police precinct and help veteran Detective Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) sift through Jigsaw's latest grizzly game of victims and piece together the puzzle. However, when SWAT Commander Rigg (Lyriq Bent), the last officer untouched by Jigsaw, is suddenly abducted and thrust into the madman's harrowing game, the officer has but ninety minutes to overcome a series of interconnected traps... or face the deadly consequences. Rigg's citywide pursuit leaves a wake of dead bodies, and Detective Hoffman and the FBI uncover long hidden clues that lead them back to Jigsaw's ex-wife Jill (Betsy Russell). The genesis of Jigsaw's evil is unveiled, exposing the puppet master's true intentions and the sinister plan for his past, present and future victims.

Okay...easy enough said.Here we go with the buts':

1). We have been told that Jigsaw WILL be in Saw 4. Not as a ghost, not entirely in flashbacks, not just merely a corpse either. He will actually have dialog with one other person. Huh? What?...okay deep breath...whew. How can this be?

"Mark Burg confirmed in yet another interview that Jigsaw had indeed been killed off in Saw III and his role( in Saw 4) will be neither a ghost nor confined to flashbacks."

"The filmmakers behind "Saw IV" promise not to cheat the fans who stuck by the first three. Though their main killer, Jigsaw, perished at the end of "Saw III," actor Tobin Bell remains in "Saw IV." And producer Mark Burg promises that they're not pulling a soap opera twist."Here's what I'm going to tell everybody without ruining the movie," said Burg. "Tobin is dead. We don't jump the shark. It's not his twin brother. All these crazy ideas that I've heard, he's dead. All I will tell you is yes, he's dead and yes, he's in the movie."

"Bousman already revealed that there are two new characters in the film, one of which Bell(Jigsaw) explains he will be in constant dialogue with, “There's a guy in this film we've never met before... one of the disenfranchised of the world,” he explains, “Jigsaw comes into contact with this guy [and he’s] the total opposite of Jigsaw. Many people talk a good game. Right or wrong he steps forward and does what he (Jigsaw) does.” Bell elaborates a bit for us, “This guy he runs into... he’s one of the lost of the world, Jigsaw is extremely educated, and the other guy hasn't had anything…. There is an Interesting dialogue between the two.”

Okay...soooooooooo if Jigsaw is dead, yet is going to be in Saw 4 and yet again not merely just as a corpse on the table, Jigsaw not confined to flashbacks, is not a ghost and has dialog with at least one other can this be?..arggggggggggg. He is also not a twin and not a clone either. Oh my, I can actually feel my brain throbbing.

2). There is suppose to be four story lines going on at once? Intertwining story lines at once? Okay, I see Jeff trying to find his daughter and Rigg's game...but...what could be the other two? We have been told that Saw 4 is a direct continuation of Saw 3 and not a prequel so that leaves us with very few options as to the what the other two story lines could be. If we are told that these two remaining story lines do in fact intertwine with the named two above, what could they be?

3). We have been told that Saw 4 will not be like Saw 2 in the context that it will be a "game within a game" scenario. If that is the case, than who the heck is controlling Rigg's game in Saw 4? If Rigg's game has been confirmed to NOT be happening/happened at the same time as Jeff's from Saw 3 while Jigsaw was still alive? Questions, questions.Certainly it cannot be happening on tape, someone has to be pulling the strings from behind the scenes as in the other three movies.Someone has to make sure that things go off without a hitch.

-What happened to Dr. Gordon? Why did we not see his demise or redemption mentioned in flashbacks as we have such as with Adam? Many believe Dr. Gordon will in fact play a part in Saw 4. With the issues stemming from the lawsuit from Saw 1, I see this as unlikely but then is a solid unknown as to his fate and we are left speculating.
- Detective Mathews will also be in Saw 4. We "speculated" that surely with the damage to his foot and the beating he had at the hands of Amanda that he must be dead. Perhaps he is dead? Miraculous recovery? Who the heck knows!!
- Why in knowing that Amanda was a murderer and Jigsaw despises murderers' did he still want Amanda to be his apprentice? Doesn't that go against all of his beliefs? Still, after Amanda went back and killed Adam and Jigsaw knew of her murderous ways, did he still allow her to take part in his games with other's??
-If technically Adam from Saw 1 was an "innocent" and only placed in that room for Dr. Gordon's test( kill Adam before 6pm)...innocent enough that a key to release him from the chain was placed on him in the tub from the beginning of the game so that he could have left at anytime, why then at the end when Jigsaw told him the key was in the tub and after finding it had gone down the drain did Jigsaw not let him go? Instead leaving him to rot? Leaving him to be later murdered by Amanda and her perverted form of mercy? Speculations...sheesh.

If I do not end this blog entry now, I will go on all day long...HA. I have a home to care for, my Seeker, my son etc. I know I have missed many things to this puzzle but my heat oppressed brain can only take so much.

Back to my game. Can someone please, please, please throw a subbie a bone? Email me or post here your own views and assessments. A subbie who has gone stark raving mad isn't of much use to anyone so please..S.O.S. Please let Seeker enjoy a dinner in peace without being bombarded with Saw this little subbie to actually not put Pledge wood cleaner on the windows instead of Windex because my mind is full of this puzzle. Allow my son the dignity of wearing tighty whities again and not pink ones because mommy had an "aha" moment at the wrong time while laundering. Please for the love of God someone end this madness...muahahahahaha.

Okay rant back to some reality...what a concept!



Saw movie trailer:

Saw 2 movie trailer:

Saw 3 movie trailer:

Saw 4 movie clip-no official trailer released yet:

Great use of the "Saw" movie theme-video of the movie 300:

Friday, August 24, 2007

May you rest in peace now, Jessica

Child killer sentenced to death

Story Highlights
NEW: Girl's father reacts after judge gives John Evander Couey death penalty
Couey was convicted of kidnapping and killing Jessica Lunsford, 9
Couey said in phone conversation that he expects death sentence
Victim's father led push for stronger sex-offender controls
Next Article in U.S. »
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(CNN) -- John Evander Couey was sentenced Friday to death for abducting, raping and killing a 9-year-old Florida girl by burying her alive in 2005.

John Evander Couey, in court Friday, was convicted of kidnapping, raping and killing a 9-year-old girl.

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"We need to send a message that Florida will not tolerate these kind of crimes," the girl's father, Mark Lunsford, said after the sentencing, wiping tears from his eyes.
Judge Ric Howard pronounced the sentence as Couey, 48, stood in shackles and an orange jail jumpsuit in an Inverness, Florida, courtroom.
"[Couey] caused a slow, suffering, conscious death," the judge said as he described the murder of
Jessica Lunsford in chilling detail.
"Jessica was placed in not one, but two plastic trash bags. She was conscious at the time of her entombment," the judge said.
He described how the girl poked two fingers through the bags to try to escape before she died.
"Simply stated, civilized society recoils in horror at the image of the abject fear and terror that Jessica experienced in her final, conscious minutes of life," the judge said.
Watch Couey being sentenced to death »
In March, a jury deliberated for about an hour before recommending 10-2 that Couey, a previously convicted sex offender with a 30-year criminal history, receive the death penalty.
In a recorded jailhouse phone call this month with a woman Florida corrections officials said is his aunt, Couey said he expected to be sentenced to death for killing Jessica in 2005.
"We all know what he's going to do," Couey said of the judge during the call, an excerpt of which CNN obtained.
He told the woman, "I kick myself in the butt a hundred times a day. Stupidity ... Just trying to figure out, I'm just asking myself, why was you so stupid?"
"Well, none of us are perfect, and the drugs didn't help any," the woman said.
Don't Miss
Couey ruled eligible for death penalty
"No, that was a big problem," Couey said. "Drugs, alcohol."
The St. Petersburg Times reported that during the hourlong conversation, Couey also told the woman he wanted to be cremated after his execution.

For the rest of the article please go to:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yahoo chat problems? Join the club.

Good day everyone,

For those of us who use Yahoo chat it has been a nonstop train wreck as of late. I thought I was alone in this well, Seeker and I did. We thought it was our shared computer, spyware, etc. Well seems Yahoo has been very busy as of late...procrastinating once again.

So without further ado, I give you two links to Yahoo "blogs" . Where in each one a Yahoo "representative" has attempted to "explain" the current problems. What follows on these "blogs" shows that the issues plague all of us that are Yahoo users. I hope you will enjoy the read, I did. For those of you who are Yahoo chat junkies missing your fix, these "blogs" have become a refuge for addicts. You might say, a chat room in itself..HA!

I will be back to posting soon. Between my son's birthday tomorrow and the party with screaming kids set for Saturday. Getting him ready for back to school and my going back to work and Seeker and I house hunting, life has been a beautiful chaotic mess.Do not lose faith, I will be back with my eccentric musings soon.Thank you for the kind emails and please, keep them coming.

Have a magnificent day!~

~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Parents, keep a vigilant eye on this creep

By Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Jack McClellan has made himself a marked man - a self-described pedophile whose recent behavior has creeped out parents and child advocates across the nation.But while he's taken pictures of young girls in public places and talked openly about his attraction to little girls, or "LGs" as he calls them, neither is a crime.
As a result, his case has stirred debate, particularly since his arrest on Monday, over whether attempting to restrict unseemly behavior that isn't criminal tramples on a person's constitutional rights."There is no law against someone making you feel uncomfortable," said Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor and a Loyola Law School professor. "There's a line to cross and I don't think he has yet. He's tiptoeing around the law."McClellan did manage to land in jail this week, however, after he was arrested for allegedly violating a temporary restraining order requiring that he stay at least 30 feet away from any child in California.
After he was seen with a camera near the Infant Development Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, police let McClellan go with a citation and a warning not to return.When he was back on campus a few hours later, this time to grant a TV interview, he was arrested for investigation of trespassing and jailed. He pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor count of violating the temporary restraining order and remains in jail on $150,000 bail.
Some legal experts believe the order that Superior Court Judge Melvin Sandvig issued on Aug. 3 trampled on McClellan's First Amendment right to free expression and will eventually be overturned. Sandvig scheduled an Aug. 24 hearing to discuss the matter further."Without showing a person has committed a crime against a child, I don't see how this can stand," said UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh. "There's no way someone can organize their life without somehow being within 10 yards of a child."
*The rest of the article can be found here:
* More information on this creep:
Seeker's ~breath{MS}~

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Who am I?

Lovely Sunday afternoon everyone,

I have had many emails over time asking what I look like. I never thought it important actually to show myself. I do understand though that in this online world, visual cues are needed at times to get a feel for someone.So, without further I am and its a pleasure to meet you.



Thursday, August 9, 2007

Attention Please.

Good day everyone,

For those who wish to know, the image above is to protect web pages from plagiarism.I have this linked image at my website as well. I never thought the day would come that I would actually need to use it.Sadly, I seem to have a fan who has come to my site. Not the welcomed kind.

It seems for quite some time now, a particular individual( I will not name any names here and I do have solid information on said individual) has been coming to my site and "stealing" items.Whether it be articles, graphics or images. It matters not to me.Most of the articles are my own creation. The graphics while not mine, I will defend. I will not sit idly by and watch those artists whose creations I am using have their work brazenly stolen and not have their names noting their accomplishments on their artwork. Yes, said individual is stealing graphics which are not theirs and passing them off as their own. Quite a noble endeavor as I am sure you would agree.In so far as my personal articles, I would have had no issue allowing another to use my articles if they deemed them worthy. However, it seems simple manners have eluded said individual.It seems many things have eluded, said individual.

To said individual: Your tasks have not gone unnoticed. You fool no one and I know exactly who you are. If you do not cease and desist your activities you will leave me with no choice but to expose you for the public to see.I am a woman to be taken seriously. I know my rights and the ethics and laws pertaining to the Internet and its usage.Remember your only saving grace in this matter is, forewarned is forearmed.

Sincerely and with watchful eyes,


Sunday, August 5, 2007

August updates to the site

Good day ladies and gentlemen,
The August updates to the Whisper in a Dream site are completed. I hope you will enjoy my views and opinions. Perhaps they may enlighten you to think further on your own belief in D/s. Please, feel free to email me or leave a message either at my guest book or here at this blog. Your views are important to me for it is both how I grow and how I learn to accept further the thoughts and lifestyles of others.Thank you for your time and for visiting.
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

Saturday, August 4, 2007

~Happy Birthday my Seeker~

Happy Birthday my wonderful Seeker~,
I am blessed to have such a perfect man and dominant. I am as equally blessed to be sharing your birthday with you...later when you come home * wink*. Until then my love, enjoy your day!~ I hope the Braves win for you today and that you lose your voice screaming so loud at the game.*smiles*. I love you my Everything and may your birthday be filled with love, happiness and fun.

Your devoted and loving submissive,


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Prayers for Minneapolis

My prayers and thoughts go out to the families, victims, rescuers and citizens of Minneapolis, MN. I have no idea how to feel concerning this tragedy yet. My emotions have overcome me and I am afraid not much by way of logic exsists right now.The feeling persists within me though...this could have been avoided. We do not know what caused the collapse of the bridge nor the manner in which it was maintained.What we do know is early reports state no terrorism involved, 7 dead, 2 unconfirmed dead, 60 injured and 20+missing. My heart aches and I cannot think of anything else at this moment. I mourn the lost and hope for those who are missing. I pray for everyone involved. God bless you all.

~breath{MS} ~hoovsies~

Sunday, July 29, 2007

An awakening of epic proportions.

Have you ever been hit with the realization that an answer to a problem you face has been right in front of your eyes, the entire time? Well, that happened to me three days ago and I have been marked by it, both positively and negatively.
I have sat stewing over a particular intense problem for months. Constantly working it through my mind for solutions.My mind never ceasing to find the one answer to the dilemma.I always consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent, insightful and growth oriented person. Still, the problem persisted becoming increasingly more chaotic and emotional. The answer that I knew would be simple was ever evasive to me no matter what tactics I took to uncover it. I became an emotional wreck due to this problem and it permeated everything in my world. I knew this frenzy had to stop or face the dire consequences of it, become consumed by it utterly. I had to find a way!
Then, out of nowhere in an unrelated conversation with my beloved Seeker it hit me like a ton of bricks! The answer! The epiphany! I realized with stark horror that the problem was one that was easily solved yet my emotions controlled me and made me blind to solving it. The problem was mine and mine alone, forged from my past and allowed to continue stampeeding through my life by my ignorance to it.All I had to do...the peace...was one small word. Tiny in letters but large and powerful in manner.....submit.
The answer was to submit this to my Seeker. To give him permission by submitting this pain to him. I was to strong in my quest to overcome the problem, too vain in what independence I still possessed. I failed to realize that the oasis lay right before Seeker, my dominant, the one who owns me. The one who pledged with his ownership to take away my worries, keep me safe even from myself and to protect me at all costs. I had not given my permission for him to absolve me, to correct the flaw. I floundered for so long in my self imposed prison foolishly believing that since this problem was from my past that I had to fix it myself and not trifle him with it.In doing so, I allowed the love of my life to feel powerless and frustrated. He himself did not elude to the fact that all I had to do was surrender and submit. He wished me to learn this powerful lesson on my own in order for it to fully sink home within me. That even though I belong to him...I must submit in all ways, all things. Those ways and things change constantly and in order for my dominant to be all that he can be for himself and us, I have to submit each time something presents itself. Seeker feels that just because he owns me does not give him license to point out all of my problems and make me submit to him each time. That is MY job as his submissive, to submit my everything not his job to guide me like a child. I lost sight of that, became lost in my misery when the answer was this wonderful man who stands above me.Wanting nothing but my love and submission.
This awakening has had/having a major impact on my life at the present. Now that the answer has been revealed a maelstorm of emotions and thought courses through me. I have been unable to stop thinking on this since it occured. I have been assured by my Seeker that I am loved and absolved of this matter. For that I am eternally thankful and humbled. However upon reflection, within me...I am still learning this lesson. Rewinding it over and over again inside of me. I feel more guilt at this time in my life than I ever have. I feel as if I have betrayed the one person in this world who was designed to take away all things negative, to ease my pain and suffering. I betrayed him by not seeing the forrest through the trees. I betrayed him by being so utterly stubborn in my independence to find the answer that I overlooked him.In my zeal to maintain my strength and oath to fix problems in my world, I had forgotten that in his arms, heart and mind lies every paradise I could ever have dreamed. I am ashamed and humbled, awakened and enlightened and...more submissive now in my shame than I ever thought possible.
I am positive as this was the next step in my evolution. So simple this step, so achingly easy to attain yet I was blind to it. Yet, I have grown. For my Seeker and for myself. I am a better woman and submissive now through this lesson.I have become wiser and more steadfast in my resolve to be the best I can be for my Seeker. I am stronger, I am more vunerable and I am more feminine and quiet. Thank you my Seeker, for your love, devotion and your steadfast patience with your submissive. I love you with everything in my being.
I am negative still as I have much to resolve within myself. I have to live with my shame and ignorance, even if that ignorance was not purposeful.I must live with the idea that I let my dominant down by not giving him the one thing he needs to survive, my submission totally. I will learn from this mistake and be a better person for this. This will take time. No healing can occur over night and I will be diligent and patient with myself as I am forced to deal with this self created pain. Pain is a lesson in itself whether it be physical or emotional. I am learning that now in total.I will never stop learning.
My respite through this trial is knowing that our relationship is better and stronger for this. This has opened new avenues for us and bound us tighter together. So whether positive or negative depending on how you look at it...or both...we are more in love, more sincere to each other and more respectful of who we are as a couple now. So much work lies ahead but my heart beats steady and surely knowing that we will work as a couple and I look forward to the future with newly opened eyes and a re-energized spirit.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Wonderful summer day everyone,
Just a heads up to those of you who had pestered me to get a Myspace account for ages...I have one now.*smiles*. I never felt the need with having a website to sign up with Myspace.I am still very fresh and new with the concept and it will take me time to get adjusted. Please be patient with me, I only learned to "add" people today so if that is any indication just how far in the dark ages I have been in so far as the internet, I maybe in trouble HA! At any rate, here is the address to the page. Please feel free to connect to me if you desire to, thank you:
For the others', thank you for the emails. Yes, the updates should be on time for August. If not before the first, very close to. Ron, bless him, is still helping me to place my updates and when he has the available time to place them on the site, he will. Until my son goes back to school I will not have the free time nor the presence of mind to learn all of the bells and whistles. Again, thank you for the feedback and your interest in my site. That touches my heart and keeps me focused.
Take care, everyone.
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

Monday, July 16, 2007

Can someone please put me out!!?!!

Lovely day ladies and gentlemen,
My apologies for not updating my website for July. I thank you all for your patient emails asking about them. However, it looks as if I am looking at August for updates. For you see, here in Washington state where I live we have been having a heat wave of sorts for the last few weeks. We Washingtonians typically melt at 80 degrees so our resolve has been seriously tested lately! So with my son constantly harping at me," Mommy I want to go swimming","Mommy set up the slip and slide", etc etc I have not been indoors much these days. The very idea of sitting in front of a hot computer for longer than short durations...hmmm..that would make me a glutten for further comment there*wink*. I tend to spend good concentrations of time on my website as it is imperative to me that what I am trying to express is well thought out and well read. With this heat as of late, not only am I hot but my mind hasn't been functioning well either.So again I ask for your patience.

Thank you and I wish you all "cool" thoughts!~

Sincerely and ice cream all around,

~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The blessing of being owned.

Good day everyone,
I felt compelled to write today about being owned and what it means to me.This is an incredibly emotional subject for me so I ask that you please bear with my ramblings.Thank you.
Being owned as a submissive woman.It goes so far beyond the obvious kink of the lifestyle, a title or a place in exsistence.In allowing myself to be owned so completely I have complete and utter freedom. I can fly freely as the full woman I was always meant to be, not what society dictates. All of the colors of my soul vibrate so wonderfully from me. I feel as if my body is actually singing.My step is lighter, my mind clearer of the clutter of life. I feel securely safe, watched over and possessed. Regardless of my mood, the kind of day that I am having or if I look like warmed over death I am accepted in total. I feel personal limit's that I have had for a lifetime being tested, challenged and eventually overcome. These limits not being sexual but the stuff of life.I grow, evolve and become wise. I need nothing and want for little. My soul finds satisfaction again in the little things that mean so much but can be so easily overlooked in a hectic world. I have renewed purpose not merely in serving my Seeker but different paths of direction are constantly opening up at my feet. I see the world as a place that I do not have to conquer or fit into. I see it as a vast mystery that I can absorb, learn from and nurture. My wing's glimmer in the sunlight and I fly unabashed and unhindered.
This blessing has been brought into my life by my Seeker, The Seeker of Enlightenment aka Monroe. This wonderful man came into my life and forever changed it.He is teaching me what a true dominant man is. Not merely the lifestyle definition but the epitome of a man in all his glory. He not only is a dominant that dreams are made of but a man whose foundation of self is based on self sacrifice, intelligence, honesty, growth, sincereity, intense care for others and just pure heart.We have saved each other from this cruel world. We love each other without conditions, lift each other up when life gets rough, support each other's opinion's and view's and grow as individual's and alone adding to the incredible intensity which is us. I always thought that miracles were only in the Old Testament, that was until I met and fell in love with my owner, my destiny, my Seeker. I am owned so completely and lovingly like a favorite childhood toy or memory. I am sacred, have worth and beauty in his eyes.I am slowly forging myself into perfection for him. I will have no less for the man who has completed my life so harmoniously,so wonderfully.
He loves and cares for my son when no other took the time. He understands his disability and rather than chastize him for it, he helps my son to work within what he is capable of. He has become a friend to my son and a person that my son turns to in times of crisis and uncertainty.My Seeker uses no tools, no learned behaviors...he simply and effortlessly just uses who he is as a human being and that to me is what a father figure should be.
My Seeker is a man who when I was sick and we were at a distance or he was traveling on business, sent me socks to keep my feet warm and medicine for my body. When the weather is unbearably hot, he sends me and my son to a hotel with air conditioning and pool to keep cool. He pays close attention to me and has sent my favorite movies for us to share,favorite perfumes or little things.When he thought I was not eating well enough he sent a food care package to me. When I was in pain and miserable he sent a heating pad, chocolates and love notes. When someone in my life caused me pain or stress, he personally spoke with them in a mature and firm tone to get them to cease. When my power was due to be shut off, he took care of that. When he felt my son was doing good in school, he would send money with directions to buy my son some toys to reward his good behavior. In learning one of my hardest lessons...reclaiming my femininity, he has been lovingly relentless. Sending me to buy clothes, make up and other girly things. He encourages each odd new apiphany that I have, that are now coming out of the woodwork unseen by me. Whether that be a desire to decorate cakes, gardening, surround myself in lavender, write stories, learn new recipes and new avenues of cooking,etc.He revels in my intelligence and humor and does not feel intimidated by them. He puts up with my daily stressful situations with ease.He is eternally patient and understanding knowing that I will learn my lessons and make my corrections in time.Seeker is the man I was born for and meant to love it just took 36 years to find him!
What I give him in return? My all, my everything,balance. My friendship, heart and soul.My troubles, my woes and my pain. My embarassments, failures and sucessess. My talents, my loving nature,my special gifts. I learn for him and constantly try to excel for him in everything.I give him my past and my future. I give him my trust, acceptance and authority.I am here forever through the good times and the bad.Each day is a new day in which to love him, explore him and make his life paradise a small step at a time. I make him smile when he is down, show him hope when he is uncertain. I give to him all of my job titles: cook, nurse, counselor,maid, lover,partner,seamstress, soulmate,accountant,budget balancer,madonna/whore,party planner,interior decorator,house cleaner,confidante, secretary and anything else he needs or desires in life. I am his, owned by this perfect man that I am cherished by. Graced with his presence in my life, in so many respects he is my own personal alpha and omega. I love you my Seeker and thank you for making my life blissful, purposeful and letting me rejoice in freely being a woman. I am proud to be yours.
Thank you for reading everyone and may your deepest dreams in this life come true!~
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~
Hanging by a Moment- LifeHouse
Desperate for changing,
Starving for truth,Im closer to where I started,
Chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in love with you,letting go of all I've held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
Forgetting all Im lacking,completely incomplete,
I'll take your invitation,you take all of me.
Now,Im falling even more in love with you,letting go of all Ive held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
I'm living for the only thing I know,
I'm running and not quite sure where to go,
and I don't know what I'm tapping into,
Just hanging by a moment here with you.
There's nothing else to lose, nothing else to find,
There's nothing in the world,that can change my mind,
There is nothing else...
There is nothing else...
There is nothing else...
Desperate for changing,
Starving for truth,
I'm closer than where I started,
Chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in love with you, letting go of all I've held onto,
I'm standing here until you make me move,
I'm hanging by a moment here with you.
I'm living for the only thing I know,
I'm running and not quite sure where to go,
and I don't know what I'm diving into,
Just hanging by a moment here with you.
Just hanging by a moment,
Hanging by a moment...
Hanging by a moment...
Hanging by a moment here with you.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Rest in Peace forever, Zina!~

Today is a sad day. I and the team that I belong to, Amber Alert Mommy Squad have been following this case closely.It is with an incredibly heavy heart and baffled head that I bring you her story.

Zina Linnik was just a typical 12 year old enjoying the festivities of The Fourth of July with family and friends.Zina, whose family immigrated to the USA ten years ago to start a new life appreciated Independence Day moreso than the average person.On that Wednesday night Zina after being asked by her father to go outside to check to see if any other children in her family were in the alley(a safe place on this dead end road) behind their home, disappeared.Not just disappeared... but was forceably taken kicking and screaming. Her father rushing outside to barely catch a glimpse of a foreign man in an older gray van driving off quickly.Her father also caught a few numbers of the license plate on the van.An intense search began, an Amber Alert put into place.

Through diligent and tireless efforts of the Tacoma Police Department, its detectives and the FBI information was found several days later that pointed to a suspect.This suspect was found due to the facts that he had a similar van, the numbers the father had seen on the plate corresponded with the actual plate and that the suspect is an UNREGISTERED SEX OFFENDER. Not merely a sex offender but an offender of the worst kind, a sexual predator who had committed transgressions against children.

This suspect" alledgedly"( yes, I hate that word but in this country it is innocent until proven guilty) gave the authorities the whereabouts of Zina's body. Her body was found with the information provided by the "alledged" suspect on Thursday, July 12, 2007. As of this time, very little information is being given to the public. We know that this particular individual is a "person of interest", he is a convicted" sexual offender" who failed to register and possibly an illegal immigrant.He refused to cooperate with authorities further and ponied up an attorney quicker than you can bat an eyelash! Her body was recovered and at the time of my writing this, is being carefully examined as well as the undisclosed crime scene.I will post more information on this case as it is given to the public.More on this case at the following links:,2933,289165,00.html

Why do I post about this one particular crime you may ask yourselves? This crime is to close to home for me. As a member of my AAMS, we take personally crimes in our own hometowns. Of course every missing, murdered and hurt child is of upmost importance to us.As we are all mother's, we are devasted when a child is endangered in any way.We do our best through our self created little network to spread the word as soon as a child goes missing in our state. Whichever mommy is closesest to the current case spreads the word via emails, telephone calls, instant messages, etc...Zina's case being within ten miles of my home. The goal is to spread the information as quickly as possible to other areas of the state to aid in Joe Public knowing what is going on as much in real time as we can. This may seem just a small thing( i.e posting flyers) and in most cases has no bearing in solving cases. But it is our way of doing SOMETHING and to maintain our sanity in the process.

I speak only of "sexual predators" within the "sexual offenders" category. You can get caught urinating behind a bush on the side of the road and be labeled a "sexual offender". You can be an 18 year old male and have consentual sex with a 17 year old female and be labeled a " sexual offender" etc, etc, etc. A "sexual predator" should be in a category all its own.I tend to have more mercy on those labeled "sexual offender" versus utter contempt for "sexual predators".

I am going to be blunt with my feelings and may be difficult for you to stomach.My feelings will seem irrational and perhaps they are. Then again, children being harmed and dying in this manner IS irrational.It angers me to no end that NOTHING is being done to change laws. Each year on petitions and ballots I see issues such as: property taxes, which politician deserves to be re-elected, who deserves a raise, which roads need to be fixed, tougher laws for cigarette smokers, etc. I see nothing by way of making stiffer sexual predator laws. Why? Who is benefitting from letting predators run rampant? Is this some twisted version of population control?? Are certain predators being kept secret as they are considered " productive members of society" therefore letting crimes go unsolved?Three strikes when someone hurts a child before prison? Ten years or less sentences for sexual predators for devasting a child for life or killing them? The best we can do is label sexual predators level 1, 2 or 3 and expect them to go out in the world and live a normal life? Are we as parents expected to look over our shoulder's consistently to see which person is licking their chops at our children?Why is nothing more permenant being imposed by way of the law to aid our exhausted police forces and departments? Why isn't anything more cruel than prison time, chemical castration and in some cases physical castration being given to those who hurt our children? The laws in place now are obviously not frightening sexual predators nor intimidating them to stop so why not give them a reason to be afraid of their actions? Punishments that truly fit the crime regardless of how cruel and inhumane they are? I could go on and on but I will stop here. My heart sometimes takes over and will ramble on at a senseless pace, for that you have my apologies.

I end this entry with the hope that Zinia and her family receive justice to the fullest extent. As with Zinia and all other children their only crime is being young. That bears repeating...their only being young. As I have stated before here, I will continue to post updates as they are made available.

In the meantime I will hug my son closer and tighter to me . I will continue to sound off the names that have left a permanent scar on my heart.Child victim's in my state who have not seen justice yet. They will never be forgotten and hope will forever reign.Please, never forget.

Jennifer Bastian...

Michella Welch...

Adreanna Jackson...

Teekah Lewis...

Sophia Juarez...

Misty Copsey...

Jane Clark County Doe...

William Downey...

Ronald Frye...

Tyler Inman...

Auburn Washington Jane Doe...

Lenoria Jones...

Jeffrey Klungness...

Edward Ramirez...

Shelby Wright...

The Anderson children...

...and many, many, many more.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

July updates for the website.

Good day everyone,
Just a brief notice that the July updates for my website will be a few days delayed. My birthday is coming up this weekend and Seeker is sending me on a mini vacation for a few days to celebrate ( thank you, I love you!~). Also with the Independence Day holiday approaching and everything involved you can imagine how chaotic things can get. Rest assured, the pages will be updated as soon as possible and I continue to work on new pages.
Have a magnificent summer day!~,
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Answering emails...femininity?

Hello and a wonderful summer day everyone,
My apologies for it being so long since my last post. Real life and a critically sick family member have kept me at bay from my writing pleasures and website. With that being said, I will answer a few emails pertaining to my site and/or my submission that I have received. All of the emails that I am answering here are pertaining to one topic: my femininity and how I choose to express it.
In several email's that I have received ( all from men) question's have been asked why my website which is based on D/s views and in part the BDSM lifestyle, is so frilly and girly. The answer should be simple to those of you who are either truly dominant or submissive...shouldn't it? As I have read in your email's you all seem adament that my site is not truly D/s. As I have no exploitive photos, tons of graphics with whips and chains nor are my writings smutty and subservient( these adjectives taken from your email's). Why should my choice in feminine expression on page's in my site be judged by your perceived illusions of what the ignorant masses say D/s is...all about sex?
If you sincerely understood the workings of a submissive woman you would have no question's as to the presentation of my website.Each graphic on my website was chosen to serve a purpose to walk hand in hand with the subject matter on that page.If you had looked deeper, you could have seen the connections.
For now, I give you a brief lesson to enlighten those of you who have written on to what true submission is to a woman.I believe it is necessary as you seem pidgeonholed to see that unless a woman spreads her legs verbally and graphically, she isn't a submissive.Here, through my eyes is a brief description of who a submissive woman is:
A submissive woman who has truly answered her calling within is a free and spirited soul. The beauty felt within isn't simply exuded out through new sexual inhibitions coming to the surface...that is merely one facet to the diamond.She lives her life differently, has new purpose and a rebirth of self. Society's preconceived notions of femininity and who we should be, become stripped away from her and she feels herself for the first time.The desire to give of herself by way of serving and nurturing is paramount.Her character and truest colors become known, savored and shared.Talents and passions not known to her or dreamed of before make themselves known.She both at the same time becomes a vunerable soft creature and a strong force to be reckoned with.Her desire for knowledge and growth drives her curiousity.Her capacity for loving and caring deepens.She yearns to find a safe place in this cold world where she is accepted completely and understood without question.A place to continue to evolve in her entirety...the embrace of one dominant's world. Once in his dominion she is free to be everything that she needs to be to feel whole.
So, why is my website so frilly and girly you ask? In my submission I am beautiful and I do not hide any of my colors. Those colors being dark and seedy or soft and feminine.My website is an extension of the intensity of my feminine nature.I am a pure female animal who is not afraid to show what has been released within me. The dark and seedy side? Well that is for my Seeker to mold, use and orchestrate with his mind and hands, my all belongs to him.
I see submission as an art form.To be shared on a canvas for all to see and interpret as they will.If your interpretation should be merely all games: sex, whips, pain, leather and exploitation, so be it. Art appreciation is truly in the eye of the beholder.I cannot help then to question, are you truly seeing the piece of art for all its depth as the artist intended or simply scanning it for something to appease your lustful eye and then move on to the next piece? If the latter than you do have my pity as you are missing some of the purest beauty this life has to offer.
A submissive exudes herself in many ways. Sure, she can be slutty, sexy and uninhibited. Only seeing women as a sexual plaything is cheap and shallow...a disease of the vanilla world.See the whole woman for what she is. She can also be elegant, classy, modest and meek.
In closing gentlemen, my opinion is that if you truly wish to understand femininity and submission then educate yourselves. If you are only seeking to gratify your penis for a time, give yourselves a power trip or to keep telling yourselves that sex is D/s then you are not a true dominant as your email's stated but merely shallow men who are doomed to a world that is colored only in black and white. You will never truly live and you will be unfufilled.If you desire that hollow little world, you have come to the wrong website and trifled with the wrong woman.I have no qualm's in sharing who I am with you nor setting you straight with my opinion's.
I do appreciate your emails do NOT misunderstand me. It is through your writings to me, be them positive or negative that keep me firm and stand my ground as a submissive. So I thank you. I hope this blog entry has enlightened you rather than insulted. My website may be soft, frilly and serving no purpose to D/s to you.That is your right to believe that. I for one choose to see the art of life differently.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a wonderful day.
breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~