Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Watch Out Portland, Oregon!

PORTLAND, Ore. - An admitted pedophile who blogs about his attraction to young girls has found a new home in Portland.
Jack McClellan, 45, who has no serious criminal record, announced this morning that he moved to the Rose City from Southern California, where he created waves after moving there earlier this summer.
McClellan has said he is attracted to little girls, but he is 99 percent sure he would never do anything illegal with a child.
For years, McClellan maintained a Web site in Washington state in which he posted pictures of children in public places and talked about areas he liked to stake out where little girls congregate.
He was arrested last month outside a Southern California day care holding a camera, which allegedly violated a restraining order requiring him not to loiter or congregate within 30 feet of minors. Charges were later dropped.

* The rest of the article can be found here:

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