For those who wish to know, the image above is to protect web pages from plagiarism.I have this linked image at my website as well. I never thought the day would come that I would actually need to use it.Sadly, I seem to have a fan who has come to my site. Not the welcomed kind.
It seems for quite some time now, a particular individual( I will not name any names here and I do have solid information on said individual) has been coming to my site and "stealing" items.Whether it be articles, graphics or images. It matters not to me.Most of the articles are my own creation. The graphics while not mine, I will defend. I will not sit idly by and watch those artists whose creations I am using have their work brazenly stolen and not have their names noting their accomplishments on their artwork. Yes, said individual is stealing graphics which are not theirs and passing them off as their own. Quite a noble endeavor as I am sure you would agree.In so far as my personal articles, I would have had no issue allowing another to use my articles if they deemed them worthy. However, it seems simple manners have eluded said individual.It seems many things have eluded, said individual.
To said individual: Your tasks have not gone unnoticed. You fool no one and I know exactly who you are. If you do not cease and desist your activities you will leave me with no choice but to expose you for the public to see.I am a woman to be taken seriously. I know my rights and the ethics and laws pertaining to the Internet and its usage.Remember your only saving grace in this matter is, forewarned is forearmed.
Sincerely and with watchful eyes,