Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech

Hello Everyone,

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims of this tragedy, the families and the entire country. It is extremely difficult to fathom how and why these senseless acts of violence keep occuring. Perhaps we are not meant to understand instead left with empty, confused minds and heavy hearts.It is times like this when we need to love each other just a little more, hold close our children a little tighter and firmly accept what a blessing each day of life truly is.I sincerely wish I could write more but at this time my heart aches and all that I can find to do is pray for comfort and healing for those involved.

In closing, blessings of peace and serenity for all. I am off to hold my son and let him know just what he means to me on this day...and for every day after.

God bless.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

My New Home On The Web. April 15 2007

The transition has started. The new web site at is uploaded and waiting for the Internet Servers to find it. This Blog will be an integral part of the new site. The ZoomShare site had a built in Blog function that let Tara pop up quick random thoughts and answers to questions. The new site doesn't have that internally so this will be her place to vent and to keep you posted about the main site.
It is always a pleasure working with Tara's site as she is a very talented and creative artist -- not to mention a very determined young lady who is very passionate and very informed about her subject matter.

Moving to a new home... Sun, 08 Apr 2007

Lovely day ladies and gentlemen, I recently found out that Zoomshare will no longer allow sites with adult content.It is due to this fact that I will be moving to my own domain and home soon. The April 2007 updates will be uploaded when I have moved which should be in the next day or so. I thank you for your patience and those of you who answered my emails for assistance with this move. I will post here, in the update section as well as the main page the link to my new home as soon as the switch occurs. Thank you all for reading. Have a very happy Easter and a beautiful and inspiring Spring!~ xoxo breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

March Updates Sat, 17 Mar 2007

Hello and lovely day to everyone, My apologies for not updating my site for March 2007. Life has been a whirlwind of both delights and havoc. Both have kept me from nurturing this site as much as I should. Rest assured, those of you who emailed me shall have updates for next month, April. I now have a new computer and a cable modem..thank you my Seeker.Those have kept me busy as well, trying to learn them and put all my old progams, graphics and such concerning my site onto this new computer. I appreciate all of your patience while I get this new system mastered and am again on the way to both updating this site and finding my own, new home for it.*smiles*.Ron, I appreciate your patience most of all. Side note here: I have been having massive trouble with Yahoo/Yahelite/MSN Messenger in so far as accessing chat for us to have our conversations. I am currently trying to find a new way of chatting to correct this problem.Please be assured, you have been in my thoughts and heart...hugs!~. For everyone else, thank you again for your patience and understanding and I hope to be back in full force in April. Happy Spring everyone and Happy St. Patty's day to all. Much Love, ~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~ xoxo

What a wonderful(submissive)life!~ Mon, 26 Feb 2007

Hello and beautiful day to everyone, Today's update is a special announcement to you all. On February 23, 2007 Seeker offered me his collar and I humbly and with love, accepted.Life begins anew with many treasures to find in one another and a solid future of love, harmony and completion to look forward to.My journey as a wayward and jaded submissive has ended...yet begun again with the open eyes of a woman reborn and blessed with a man who simply has become my everything. I wish to also share the collar itself with you and its symbolism. The collar is delicate and buttery soft purple leather. Purple being the color that comforts the submissive within me. The pendant is a pink glass heart and woven around it securely is a silver wired cage. The color pink symbolizing the renewed innocence within me and the glass itself, the vunerability of the submissive within me. The silver cage represents Seeker and his commitment to me to protect the heart that beats within me. The finished work is an art in beauty to behold that simply took our breath away. This collar encircled around my neck is our promise to each other to not only love one another completely but to nourish the vunerabilities and strengths within us both as a dominant and a submissive.We now belong to one another completely and look forward to our journey in this life together. I thank you all for reading and sharing in our joy and love.Although I am not one for hawking wares, the beauty and craftmanship of my collar cannot be denied. If any of you desires an elegant and sincerely artistic collar, I shall place the links to both places in my " New Favorites" section. Have a wonderful day everyone and may your deepest dreams come to life!~ Seeker's breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

Just who is this "Seeker" who has given my submission a home? Thu, 25 Jan 2007

Hello and a beautiful day to everyone, Please let me be the first to introduce you to the dominant in my life.His online name is the seeker of enlightenment, I will keep his real name private until he is comfortable with me sharing his identity with others. He and I met at Yahoo Chat, specifically my home room of five years, Bondage A Go-Go:3.He began by entrancing me with his strength, taking his time to build a solid friendship and his consistency in being a man of his word.Over time, I fell not only in love with him but in tune with the dominance that he exudes so powerfully and true.We are enjoying our path together effortlessly,naturally and completely. I have never before in my life been so balanced and peaceful.Never before have I felt so constantly cherished and beautiful.Never before have I felt such consistent happiness and the tears I cry, are simply tears of joy and never pain.Freedom of soul has been something that has alluded me all of my life, not now and not ever again. I am protected, nurtured, encouraged and shown love in depths that I cannot put into words. I love you my Seeker, thank you for giving me the one thing that I needed to be complete..a true and sincere man who acts like a man in every aspect of the word and never backs down. Thank you everyone for reading. If you feel so inclined to look I will submit his yahoo profile link here. ~halo and hooves~

Hello everyone, Sat, 20 Jan 2007

I hope this day finds you all well and happy. My apologies for not updating the site for January 2007.I simply have not been afforded the extra time nor time alone to pursue my thoughts and update as I am should. My child has essentially been home since two days before Christmas Eve! Between the holidays, teachers meetings and the 8 day long snow in that we had he has been home. Hence mommy time and no me time!..*smiles*. But...fellow readers and friends, I will be back this coming week to begin updates. I have so much new to share and explore with you. So please, do not lose faith for I have not gone just simply been on a hiatus of sorts. I appreciate the patience of you all and the wonderful emails that still keep coming. Thank you. May your day be blessed and full of beautiful possibilities. ~hoovsies~ xoxo

Lovely day, everyone~ Sat, 30 Dec 2006

Hello everyone, To make everyone that has asked aware, I will be updating most of the site and adding new pages in January 2007.For now, I am gaining my strength back from my ordeal, entertaining my son until he goes back to school from winter break and dealing with real life issues.Starting next week, I should be well on the road to getting the site refreshed. I thank you all for your patience and desire to see my site improve, expand and that you take the time to read my thoughts. ~Happy 2007 Everyone!~ May this year be marked with health, happiness and peace for us all. Much Love, ~hoovsies~

Answering more emails~ Sat, 16 Dec 2006

Good day and happy holidays everyone, I have decided to answer more emails that I have received. I thank each and every one of you for letting me know how you feel.As before, I will use initials to designate each response for privacy concerns. Please keep the emails coming and thank you again. ~hoovsies~ * L.N- It is incredibly flattering to me that you have downloaded each song from my D/s music page! I am happy to hear that you see value and passion in each one.You requested to have more choices from me. Since I cannot add more to the page without overfilling it, I will give a few songs here that I admire along with the rest.Yes, I do wish I had more page room..HA. * Enigma/Deep Forest-" Erotic Dreams" * Madonna-" Justify My Love ( Trance Mix) * Nine Inch Nails/Static X- "Closer" * Virtually anything from Cirque De Soleil * Led Zepplin-"Kashmir" * Judas Priest-"Turbo Lover" * The Lost Boys Soundtrack-" Cry Little Sister" I have many more but I hope this will do for now. Thank you for writing.~ *c.c- Thank you for your beautiful and thought provoking letter.As a submissive I understand perfectly what you are trying to say...and the things you are not saying*smile*.Never let anyone change your remarkable spirit.Yes, being single is hard as I know only too well.Never give up the faith though!Yes, you may contact me at yahoo if you wish, yahoo ID ~just_hooves~. Thank you for writing. *M.L.A- Although it is very flattering that you keep sending emails offering a collar and marriage, I cannot help but question your mental state. I do not know you from Adam and that is just the beginning of the issues.Yes, I am very approachable. You just have to be human and genuine Thank you for writing. *h{TL}- Thank you for the compliments.No, to be honest I have never had a genuine D/s relationship. I have been very close but the men have all lacked incredibly on strength, consistency and evidently...ignorance is bliss.I will keep striving though as the other half of myself is still calling from a distance.I wish you blessings of love and happiness.Thank you for writing. To all of who you have written asking about the guestbook, yes I am in the process of learning what it takes to fix it to work properly. My Sensei(Ron-smiles)has given me the tools now I must figure them out. Please have patience and I assure you, it will be done as soon as possible. Yes, I will be adding more pages...what, well that is a surprise isnt' it *smile*. Thank you all for taking the time to write to me, it touches me more than you know. Take care and keep smiling~ ~hoovsies~

~ A special dedication~ Thu, 07 Dec 2006

Lovely day and hello, everyone. I wish to make a very special dedication today, that is long overdue.Many close to me know that I have been suffering from cancer and currently undergoing chemo treatments.Which have left me very tired, weak and not feeling up to par as of late. This site is currently functioning due to the diligent and selfless kindness of my friend, Mr. Ron Mclean. He has taken it upon himself to ensure that my website, my dream and passion is running beautifully. His tireless efforts and his understanding of my vision have kept this site alive currently.I also ask that you please be patient while this site is undergoing updates or new pages. Ron has been learning how Zoomshare works and in such, it takes time to get these things right and I have been concentrating on updates and new pages.A consistant work in progress. So, thank you Ron, my friend.For all of your time, work and heart. This dedication is for you.Thank you. Much love, ~hoovsies~ xoxox P.S Ron runs his own card website with much of his own wonderful photography. Please take a gander at the following link, perhaps vote for him if you are so inclined or send a card to a loved one or friend. Thank you. ~h~
Cards From Ogden Point

Answering some letters and concerns. Wed, 29 Nov 2006

Hello and a beautiful snowy day to all, I felt it was time that I answered a few emails. Those that are not personal in nature I will address here.I will use only initials so as to protect the privacy of those who emailed. As always, be it negative or positive your opinions and feelings are always welcome.So please keep sending your feedback, thank you. ~hoovsies~ xoxo * L.T- I did not "choose" to be a submissive woman.I simply "am".Submission roars in my veins, in my soul and permeates every second of my life.It is my best quality and the lifeblood of my happiness. If you wish to know more about submission itself, I have many links on the "D/s Resources" page that may help you. There are many valuable sites online as well.I advise you to keep in mind..submission is not a SEXUAL is a SOUL thing. Thank you for your email. *M.M- I respect your feelings on my soapbox page. However, last time I checked this was a free country and we could speak as we feel.Based on the tone of your email my suggestion to you would be this: Seek some professional help. Your masculine ego clouds your judgement and you are of the perpetual attitude that your poop doesn't stink. I believe it is high time you look into the mirror and see yourself through your own eyes. Or is it that based on your email, you already have and my view just made that come crashing home all the more?The choice is yours.However spouting a mighty and childish ego does not make you a man, your actions do. Consider watching your tongue if you truly desire to make your point known or else your words are nothing more than tantrums of a spoiled little boy. Have a wonderful day and thank you for writing. *cc- Thank you for your email.It is true that I do not cover the male submissive perspective in my site.I have nothing against male submissives...however, I am a female submissive and since I have no basis for comparison in being a male, the site is based on who I am. There are many aspects of BDSM I do not cover on my site. It isn't that I have anything against them per say, I simply choose not to cover those grounds as they have no bearing on my life as it stands.I do not discuss kink as it does not need discussing.Am I kinky? most definently~.Why waste time and space writing about what dozens of other BDSM sites do. If you wish pornographic pictures as you thought I should elsewhere.If you feel I should write about the groveling, boot licking submissive that you feel I have neglected to elsewhere. I am FAR from subservient and in my opinion, you need to realize that just because you are a male submissive, being a damn doormat isn't part of reality. It appears you seek a mistress and NOT a dominant. Read up on the difference. A mistress is NOT D/s! A mistress is a title not a state of being.Finally, if you are truly natural and not just in this for the kink and humiliation you best educate yourself. There is no excuse not to. Have a wonderful and meaningful day.~ *j.m- Thank you for writing.No,abuse is NOT tolerated!I feel based on what you wrote that you are being emotionally abused and isolated from your friends and family. SEEK HELP and remove yourself from the relationship immediately! So freaking what if he has "master" in his name. He does not know all, control all nor obviously have your best interest in mind.You are the maker of your own happiness and future. Never let another dictate that for you. Remember...a person only has power of you if you give them that power. Take yours back! Reclaim the woman that you are, become stronger and fight for your right to a wonderful life. Yes, you can reach me at ~just_hooves~ ID at yahoo if you ever wish to talk with me, anytime *smile*.Also, no to your final question in my opinion.Being with another man at this time is not healthy for you. Another person cannot "take away" what you went through. You need to be by yourself for awhile, heal, grow stronger and find your personal value again. Do not expect another man to heal the boo boo's inflicted by another.You will not be able to give yourself fully in service to another until you have conquered your own demons. Just words to think on as after all I have no degree on my wall, just a woman who has been where you are now. Keep smiling and know that you have value and you can be whole again.~ Thank you everyone who has wrote to me. I know I did not cover everyone but if you wish me to answer your email personally please let me know.I appreciate the time you have all taken to let me know your feelings. With your input I grow further as a person and that will reflect itself in my site. Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate in this life~ ~hoovsies~ xoxox

Page Updates... Mon, 27 Nov 2006

Hello and happy holidays, everyone. All December page updates are currently in the works. Pages to be updated are:My D/s Views...hoovsies garden...D/s thought for the day...Spotlite site of the month...and hoovsies soapbox. I am also currently working on three new pages for the site.So please look for all of these changes in the next week or so!~ Thank you for your patience and have a magnificent day!~ ~hoovsies~ xoxo

~Happy Thanksgiving~ Thu, 23 Nov 2006

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving, I wish you all a lovely and memorable day.Be thankful for family and friends as they are the lifeblood of exsistence.Be thankful for your circumstances be them positive or negative, after all it is your life.Reflect upon the map of your life and be grateful.Be grateful to your parents.Appreciate your health.Be thankful for those fighting to keep our country safe and free.Cherish your life today and everything that surrounds it.Be thankful that you live in such a beautiful world. Be blessed and smile, xoxo

Give peace a chance....!~ Tue, 21 Nov 2006

Hello and great day everyone, Please take a look at this site and consider "participating" *smiles*. can make a difference!~ Thank you. ~hoovsies~

A new home sweet home Sat, 18 Nov 2006

I welcome each and everyone of you to my new home here at Zoomshare. My special angel, Ron made this possible for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!~ Geocities for some unearthly reason, decided to close my site at their server.Rather than be disgruntled, onwards and upwards I always say!~ Thank you everyone for your patience during this move and I look forward to sharing and growing with you all.