Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Transition Is Complete.

The transition of the site from ZoomShare to is complete. The new site opens with a newly designed disclaimer page requesting that only responsible adults visit the site. Clicking "Enter" on that page takes the visitor to a new index page that shows Tara's artistry and taste. From the index page, the visitor can click the links to any of the pages in the site. Navigation is set up so that the visitor can loop in a circle through the pages or click to return to the previous page and/or the index page at the bottom of any page.

There is a link to the newly revised Guest book at the bottom of the index page and Tara loves feedback so please sign the guest book as you see what others have said about the site.

And don't forget to send everyone on your mailing list an E-Card from either of the two styles available from the two different E-Card pages. Please tell them to visit in your message.
Congratulations to Tara from ...ron...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New home and new changes.

Hello and lovely day everyone,

As you all have learned by now my website has its own home. All thanks go to my wonderful Seeker who gifted me with my own domain and host.I appreciate you all following me here.

During the next month or so,my site will be undergoing many changes.From the new front page, a new index page, six new pages and stories.I respectfully request your patience while this site evolves.I hope in the end to have my site look cleaner, easier to navigate and more to make you smile with. Again, thank you for visiting and I appreciate each and every visitor who comes here.

Keep Smiling.

~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~