Sunday, September 16, 2007

September updates to my site

Hello and good day everyone,
Based on the emails that I have received regarding the updates made to my site for August I have decided to leave all of them up for another month.
It seems that these updates have both caused positive acknowledgements in people and negative ranting. The main reason for keeping these updates a little longer is this: The negative ranting. Those particular individuals had much to say about their opinions and how they thought I was wrong. Perhaps I am, I can only express my vision of D/s and BDSM as a grouping of entities.I am only one woman passionate about her submission and attempting to share with those who would listen, how it has changed my life. What I believe the truth is about D/s, from the depths of me.
So the August updates stay through September. In the hopes that I may reach more out there. The positive emails that I received were deeply personal and touched me enough to keep the articles in place. For those who desired updates for September all that I ask is for your understanding and acceptance of why I chose to do this. I will update for October for those who have so kindly asked about them.New pages will be born as well.
For those few of you who called me a "wannabe", I compel you to sincerely search within you on the label you have so ungraciously given to me. Please, put aside the "sexual" and "kink" labels you have given D/s and give it a chance.You may find something within you that begs further investigation. Something that may like it has me, changed my whole life.
Warmest Regards,