Friday, May 4, 2007

Answering a special email.

Wonderful day to everyone,

This post is answering one special email that I received. Hello, michelle{G).I thank you for visiting my site and sending me your thoughts and feelings. Especially on the current "Spotlight" page. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly that Roswell touched many of us. Aspects of the show helped us believe again in the innocence of first love and also helped us relive those feelings. Funny, like you and I michelle the comments I hear most from concerning Roswell are from women our age!Anytime I need a pick-me-up from the world I can pop in a video, wrap up in a comfy blanket and scarf on chocolate. To take a line from you michelle..."I can then be whisked away back to the past to be young, girly and romanced again". It never ceases to amaze me to this day how a show geared towards teenagers had/has that affect on me.

So michelle, until you are able to get the DVD's of the show itself I am posting a few links to video's that I found from YouTube to tide you over. I hope these bring back some of those feelings and please...have a big chocolate bar on me!~Thank you for writing to me and sharing.

Have a romantic day!~

~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~

The first episode of Roswell, Part 1:

Was it a Dream? (music video compliation):

Crazy Love(Music video compliation):

The scene with that famous first kiss...sigh:

The very last scene of the series:

The first episode parts 2-5:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Answering Emails

Hello and wonderful day to you all,
I am writing this entry in response to the emails I have received concerning my recent "Hoovsies Soapbox" entry exposing the frauds in the paranormal world.I thank you all for writing and will here give you more links that you have requested. These will be video's from YouTube.
Upon writing this entry I want to again solidly express to you that I AM a believer in the paranormal.It is simply that many of my views concerning certain paranormal events or those purported to have certain abilities have been changed.I wrestled with my own beliefs and values for months before coming to the startling conclusion that I was being "had".To address some of the questions that many of you had in your emails...Yes, I believe in God...Yes, I believe in an afterlife...Yes,I believe in spiritual connections with others...Yes, I do believe that the unexplained surrounds us. What I WILL believe in when proven conclusively to me is that "natural" psychics, mentalists and mediums do exsist beyond cold/warm reading techniques, magicians tricks and chance.Those who charge extreme fees to perform cold readings, charge by the minute on the telephone or constantly appear on television to prove that they are psychic is complete and utter hogwash in my eyes.Preying on the innocent victims: those seeking information on missing or murdered loved ones for example is an abomination to humanity. I for one will not stand for that my eyes have been and will remain opened.
I thank you for listening and now, on to the video links.
Have a thought provoking day,
~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~
...Please remember, knowledge is power!