Friday, June 8, 2007

Task completed....eyes opened...soul enrichened.

My Seeker,
I know you will be reading this when you have time at work today so I wished to share the power of my epiphany with you. You desired a journal format and as you requested, so it shall be done. I love you.

Task completed. I now feel the fire and clarity of your method of maddness.A freedom tasted, engulfed in chaotic emotions yet strangely devoid of all questions and irrational thought.Lowered into the abyss of uncertainty only to rise again clean of ashes and darkness.What was lost, now has been found.What once was coveted is now possessed.My eyes are now opened again focused with incredible intensity and direction.Your lesson has taken flight within my soul. Your student and submissive has found the elusive answer your patience encouraged me to seek.Lost in your heart and dominion...a heaven that has only become brighter to me this day.

Thank you for your steadfast pursuit in finding another piece of the puzzle which is me. I see now, a further example of your dominance knowing no bounds,accepting no substitute nor relinquishing any masculine power no matter the obstacle.I am one step closer to finding the grail of my life. When found it will be presented upon my knees to you. Gleaming with life, spilling with love and my devotion to you.I am one step closer...the clay further molded...the master plan seeing early fruitation.One step closer, for you.

I close this journal/blog entry with as written above, only words that you truly can understand and cherish.I speak best through music and this time will be no exception.I love you and thank you my Seeker.You sincerely are my everything.

Your devoted submissive,


"A Stroke Of Luck"

Hanging by threads of palest silver, I could have stayed that way forever.

Bad blood and ghosts wrapped tight around me. Nothing could ever seem to touch me.

I lose what I love most. Did you know I was lost until you found me?

A stroke of luck or a gift from God?

The hand of fate or devil's claws?

From below or saints above?

You came to me.

Here comes the cold again, I feel it closing in.

It's falling down and all around me falling...

You say that you'll be there to catch me, or will you only try to trap me?

These are the rules I make, our chains were meant to break.

You'll never change me?

Here comes the cold again, I feel it closing in. You're falling down and all around me falling...

Stroke of luck or a gift from God?

Hand of fate or devil's claws?

From below or saints above?

You come to me now.

Don't ask me why. Don't even try...

A stroke of luck or a gift from God?

The hand of fate or devil's claws?

From below or saints above?

You came to me.

Here comes the cold again, I feel it closing in.

It's falling down and all around me falling...

Falling, falling...

Falling, falling...

Falling, falling.

P.S The "cold, unyielding and heavy" part of my task while originally mixed with what you demanded eventually ended up being played out with headphones on and " Charlie Clouser-Hello Zepp theme(*hithole remix)" being repeated endlessly.I am most sure this will please you immensely knowing the turmoil I went through for you and us. xoxoxox

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pleasant day everyone,
Two new pages have been added to my site. The first, the Cervical Cancer page where I share my experience and offer links for information and support. The second, the Erotic stories page which will be updated each month with a story from either myself or Seeker. If any of you who share similiar desires as observed in our stories wishes to send a story to me, if it is fitting I will place it on that page as a showcase of sorts.
All page updates for June 2007 are done save one, the D/s Thoughts page. I am still toying with articles for that page but rest assured it will be updated within a day or two.
In the works: a My Collar page, a Photos page( please do not get to excited, nothing sexual or obscene will be shown),a My Submission page( describing in a very unique way what it means to me), Seeker's page( a place for him to do with as he will) and a page devoted to one of my fetishes, vampires.
Thank you all for your emails of support, patience and opinions.Not only do they help me to further my site but they send a resounding message to me that what I choose to explore on my site is appreciated.Through your words I am constantly reminded of the original intent of my site: To share who I am with you and to offer my vision of D/s.As in my eyes D/s will always be the perfect balance between two souls on this mortal coil. Thank you again and please keep the thought provoking emails coming!
Have a wonderful day,
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~
P.S. A personal message to all our friends in GG:3. No, we have not disappeared from the landscape we have simply had our hands full in real life. With my end of the year clients and Seeker's traveling for business we have had very little by way of free time.Rest assured you have all been in our hearts and thoughts. We will make an appearance soon.Please keep smiling, stay happy and don't forget the toast!...HA. All my love, ~hoovsies~

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Butterflies and Purple

Beautiful summer day everyone,

I received an email today by a kind dominant asking why I have so much purple and so many butterflies on my website as before I moved to my own domain and home, they were not so obvious. This is not the first email I have received asking about this so I thought I would answer this question for those who wish to know.

The answer is relatively short and sweet.The purple color is representing my submissive nature. Eight years ago( roughly) when my submissive nature first became known to me many things became new to me in my world, a rebirth of sorts. Amongst that rebirth purple became an immense comfort to me( I still cannot explain why).I surrounded myself with the color: clothing, things in my home, jewelry, etc. Purple is now a constant symbol to me of the moments of clarity in my submissive nature.The comfort and sense of peace I feel is reflected back to me when I see the color purple.

Butterflies. It seems obvious but they represent my submissive freedom. Before meeting Seeker, I was very repressed, jaded and bitter being unable to release my nature.I had nowhere to turn no other half of myself to come out of my cocoon for.Since being with Seeker, my wings have unfolded and I fly free. I am a full, complete woman now. Protected, cherished, possessed and loved. I am uninhibited, open minded and fearless while within his dominion.

You will see more and more purple and butterflies coming to my site. For as I expand, so does my site. When my wings spread further I learn something new about myself, my Seeker and this life.

Thank you for reading and have a soul searching day,

~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~