Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pleasant day everyone,
Two new pages have been added to my site. The first, the Cervical Cancer page where I share my experience and offer links for information and support. The second, the Erotic stories page which will be updated each month with a story from either myself or Seeker. If any of you who share similiar desires as observed in our stories wishes to send a story to me, if it is fitting I will place it on that page as a showcase of sorts.
All page updates for June 2007 are done save one, the D/s Thoughts page. I am still toying with articles for that page but rest assured it will be updated within a day or two.
In the works: a My Collar page, a Photos page( please do not get to excited, nothing sexual or obscene will be shown),a My Submission page( describing in a very unique way what it means to me), Seeker's page( a place for him to do with as he will) and a page devoted to one of my fetishes, vampires.
Thank you all for your emails of support, patience and opinions.Not only do they help me to further my site but they send a resounding message to me that what I choose to explore on my site is appreciated.Through your words I am constantly reminded of the original intent of my site: To share who I am with you and to offer my vision of D/s.As in my eyes D/s will always be the perfect balance between two souls on this mortal coil. Thank you again and please keep the thought provoking emails coming!
Have a wonderful day,
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~
P.S. A personal message to all our friends in GG:3. No, we have not disappeared from the landscape we have simply had our hands full in real life. With my end of the year clients and Seeker's traveling for business we have had very little by way of free time.Rest assured you have all been in our hearts and thoughts. We will make an appearance soon.Please keep smiling, stay happy and don't forget the toast!...HA. All my love, ~hoovsies~

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