Saturday, June 23, 2007

Answering emails...femininity?

Hello and a wonderful summer day everyone,
My apologies for it being so long since my last post. Real life and a critically sick family member have kept me at bay from my writing pleasures and website. With that being said, I will answer a few emails pertaining to my site and/or my submission that I have received. All of the emails that I am answering here are pertaining to one topic: my femininity and how I choose to express it.
In several email's that I have received ( all from men) question's have been asked why my website which is based on D/s views and in part the BDSM lifestyle, is so frilly and girly. The answer should be simple to those of you who are either truly dominant or submissive...shouldn't it? As I have read in your email's you all seem adament that my site is not truly D/s. As I have no exploitive photos, tons of graphics with whips and chains nor are my writings smutty and subservient( these adjectives taken from your email's). Why should my choice in feminine expression on page's in my site be judged by your perceived illusions of what the ignorant masses say D/s is...all about sex?
If you sincerely understood the workings of a submissive woman you would have no question's as to the presentation of my website.Each graphic on my website was chosen to serve a purpose to walk hand in hand with the subject matter on that page.If you had looked deeper, you could have seen the connections.
For now, I give you a brief lesson to enlighten those of you who have written on to what true submission is to a woman.I believe it is necessary as you seem pidgeonholed to see that unless a woman spreads her legs verbally and graphically, she isn't a submissive.Here, through my eyes is a brief description of who a submissive woman is:
A submissive woman who has truly answered her calling within is a free and spirited soul. The beauty felt within isn't simply exuded out through new sexual inhibitions coming to the surface...that is merely one facet to the diamond.She lives her life differently, has new purpose and a rebirth of self. Society's preconceived notions of femininity and who we should be, become stripped away from her and she feels herself for the first time.The desire to give of herself by way of serving and nurturing is paramount.Her character and truest colors become known, savored and shared.Talents and passions not known to her or dreamed of before make themselves known.She both at the same time becomes a vunerable soft creature and a strong force to be reckoned with.Her desire for knowledge and growth drives her curiousity.Her capacity for loving and caring deepens.She yearns to find a safe place in this cold world where she is accepted completely and understood without question.A place to continue to evolve in her entirety...the embrace of one dominant's world. Once in his dominion she is free to be everything that she needs to be to feel whole.
So, why is my website so frilly and girly you ask? In my submission I am beautiful and I do not hide any of my colors. Those colors being dark and seedy or soft and feminine.My website is an extension of the intensity of my feminine nature.I am a pure female animal who is not afraid to show what has been released within me. The dark and seedy side? Well that is for my Seeker to mold, use and orchestrate with his mind and hands, my all belongs to him.
I see submission as an art form.To be shared on a canvas for all to see and interpret as they will.If your interpretation should be merely all games: sex, whips, pain, leather and exploitation, so be it. Art appreciation is truly in the eye of the beholder.I cannot help then to question, are you truly seeing the piece of art for all its depth as the artist intended or simply scanning it for something to appease your lustful eye and then move on to the next piece? If the latter than you do have my pity as you are missing some of the purest beauty this life has to offer.
A submissive exudes herself in many ways. Sure, she can be slutty, sexy and uninhibited. Only seeing women as a sexual plaything is cheap and shallow...a disease of the vanilla world.See the whole woman for what she is. She can also be elegant, classy, modest and meek.
In closing gentlemen, my opinion is that if you truly wish to understand femininity and submission then educate yourselves. If you are only seeking to gratify your penis for a time, give yourselves a power trip or to keep telling yourselves that sex is D/s then you are not a true dominant as your email's stated but merely shallow men who are doomed to a world that is colored only in black and white. You will never truly live and you will be unfufilled.If you desire that hollow little world, you have come to the wrong website and trifled with the wrong woman.I have no qualm's in sharing who I am with you nor setting you straight with my opinion's.
I do appreciate your emails do NOT misunderstand me. It is through your writings to me, be them positive or negative that keep me firm and stand my ground as a submissive. So I thank you. I hope this blog entry has enlightened you rather than insulted. My website may be soft, frilly and serving no purpose to D/s to you.That is your right to believe that. I for one choose to see the art of life differently.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a wonderful day.
breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~