Sunday, April 15, 2007

March Updates Sat, 17 Mar 2007

Hello and lovely day to everyone, My apologies for not updating my site for March 2007. Life has been a whirlwind of both delights and havoc. Both have kept me from nurturing this site as much as I should. Rest assured, those of you who emailed me shall have updates for next month, April. I now have a new computer and a cable modem..thank you my Seeker.Those have kept me busy as well, trying to learn them and put all my old progams, graphics and such concerning my site onto this new computer. I appreciate all of your patience while I get this new system mastered and am again on the way to both updating this site and finding my own, new home for it.*smiles*.Ron, I appreciate your patience most of all. Side note here: I have been having massive trouble with Yahoo/Yahelite/MSN Messenger in so far as accessing chat for us to have our conversations. I am currently trying to find a new way of chatting to correct this problem.Please be assured, you have been in my thoughts and heart...hugs!~. For everyone else, thank you again for your patience and understanding and I hope to be back in full force in April. Happy Spring everyone and Happy St. Patty's day to all. Much Love, ~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~ xoxo

1 comment:

...ron... said...

Thank You
I've been wondering when the next update would be ready. I've had company and a bit of distraction and I'm ready to post your next updates. I'm sure as always they'll be a treat to work on.

Posted by ...ron.