Sunday, April 15, 2007

Answering some letters and concerns. Wed, 29 Nov 2006

Hello and a beautiful snowy day to all, I felt it was time that I answered a few emails. Those that are not personal in nature I will address here.I will use only initials so as to protect the privacy of those who emailed. As always, be it negative or positive your opinions and feelings are always welcome.So please keep sending your feedback, thank you. ~hoovsies~ xoxo * L.T- I did not "choose" to be a submissive woman.I simply "am".Submission roars in my veins, in my soul and permeates every second of my life.It is my best quality and the lifeblood of my happiness. If you wish to know more about submission itself, I have many links on the "D/s Resources" page that may help you. There are many valuable sites online as well.I advise you to keep in mind..submission is not a SEXUAL is a SOUL thing. Thank you for your email. *M.M- I respect your feelings on my soapbox page. However, last time I checked this was a free country and we could speak as we feel.Based on the tone of your email my suggestion to you would be this: Seek some professional help. Your masculine ego clouds your judgement and you are of the perpetual attitude that your poop doesn't stink. I believe it is high time you look into the mirror and see yourself through your own eyes. Or is it that based on your email, you already have and my view just made that come crashing home all the more?The choice is yours.However spouting a mighty and childish ego does not make you a man, your actions do. Consider watching your tongue if you truly desire to make your point known or else your words are nothing more than tantrums of a spoiled little boy. Have a wonderful day and thank you for writing. *cc- Thank you for your email.It is true that I do not cover the male submissive perspective in my site.I have nothing against male submissives...however, I am a female submissive and since I have no basis for comparison in being a male, the site is based on who I am. There are many aspects of BDSM I do not cover on my site. It isn't that I have anything against them per say, I simply choose not to cover those grounds as they have no bearing on my life as it stands.I do not discuss kink as it does not need discussing.Am I kinky? most definently~.Why waste time and space writing about what dozens of other BDSM sites do. If you wish pornographic pictures as you thought I should elsewhere.If you feel I should write about the groveling, boot licking submissive that you feel I have neglected to elsewhere. I am FAR from subservient and in my opinion, you need to realize that just because you are a male submissive, being a damn doormat isn't part of reality. It appears you seek a mistress and NOT a dominant. Read up on the difference. A mistress is NOT D/s! A mistress is a title not a state of being.Finally, if you are truly natural and not just in this for the kink and humiliation you best educate yourself. There is no excuse not to. Have a wonderful and meaningful day.~ *j.m- Thank you for writing.No,abuse is NOT tolerated!I feel based on what you wrote that you are being emotionally abused and isolated from your friends and family. SEEK HELP and remove yourself from the relationship immediately! So freaking what if he has "master" in his name. He does not know all, control all nor obviously have your best interest in mind.You are the maker of your own happiness and future. Never let another dictate that for you. Remember...a person only has power of you if you give them that power. Take yours back! Reclaim the woman that you are, become stronger and fight for your right to a wonderful life. Yes, you can reach me at ~just_hooves~ ID at yahoo if you ever wish to talk with me, anytime *smile*.Also, no to your final question in my opinion.Being with another man at this time is not healthy for you. Another person cannot "take away" what you went through. You need to be by yourself for awhile, heal, grow stronger and find your personal value again. Do not expect another man to heal the boo boo's inflicted by another.You will not be able to give yourself fully in service to another until you have conquered your own demons. Just words to think on as after all I have no degree on my wall, just a woman who has been where you are now. Keep smiling and know that you have value and you can be whole again.~ Thank you everyone who has wrote to me. I know I did not cover everyone but if you wish me to answer your email personally please let me know.I appreciate the time you have all taken to let me know your feelings. With your input I grow further as a person and that will reflect itself in my site. Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate in this life~ ~hoovsies~ xoxox

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