Monday, July 16, 2007

Can someone please put me out!!?!!

Lovely day ladies and gentlemen,
My apologies for not updating my website for July. I thank you all for your patient emails asking about them. However, it looks as if I am looking at August for updates. For you see, here in Washington state where I live we have been having a heat wave of sorts for the last few weeks. We Washingtonians typically melt at 80 degrees so our resolve has been seriously tested lately! So with my son constantly harping at me," Mommy I want to go swimming","Mommy set up the slip and slide", etc etc I have not been indoors much these days. The very idea of sitting in front of a hot computer for longer than short durations...hmmm..that would make me a glutten for further comment there*wink*. I tend to spend good concentrations of time on my website as it is imperative to me that what I am trying to express is well thought out and well read. With this heat as of late, not only am I hot but my mind hasn't been functioning well either.So again I ask for your patience.

Thank you and I wish you all "cool" thoughts!~

Sincerely and ice cream all around,

~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~

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