Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Living D/s and the chaos of distance

Lovely day everyone,

I am answering a few emails I have received asking me how Seeker and I manage a real time relationship in the face of his traveling for business.In short the answer is this: love, devotion, trust and sincereity.

A slightly more detailed answer: We do not let the distance interfere with us anymore than it has to. True, Seeker travels constantly due to his career. You could say that he spends a little over half of his time here in Washington with me and the rest, on business. We both know that this traveling of his is for the short term and will not last forever.Keeping that knowledge in mind, we both see the future as bright and fufilling.

You have asked me if either of us is married or otherwise in another relationship, to explain the "traveling". Absolutely not the case. Seeker and I are mature adults and due to that fact, we researched each other extensively in our beginning months. You have to be safe online, period.Both of us have a great deal to lose in our personal lives...far too much to risk to not search each other out completely.I hope this answers your question concerning this.

How we survive? Easily. We know that we will hurt when we are separated.So we plan for these times. We encourage each other to hold on, to stay strong. We let the other know they are loved and never truly alone.The distance may seem a hinderance for many couples and ultimately lead to that relationships destruction.We prepare for the temporary loneliness and compensate for it. I still serve him no matter if he is right in front of me or over the phone and in emails. He is still my dominant whether he is in our bed or on the road.Besides, we both know we are meant to be for each other and are both equally stubborn enough to stand the test of time and life's trials.We have faith in our love and trust in our stability as individuals and as a couple.There has been no person who could tear us apart so why should we allow some temporary distance to do it?

So do we have a strong D/s foundation? Absolutely.Do we have kink in our lives? Definently.Do we have a deep friendship and companionship? Yes. We have the same values, morals and ideals.What Seeker and I share cannot be found easily and we both waited a lifetime for each other.

Can we survive the distance? Always. The dream has come true for us. Our puzzles are now complete.The distance will be but a memory and the future is our reward.

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