Good day everyone,
This morning I received an interesting email that I felt needed addressing. This is not the first time I have been emailed concerning this subject so the time is now to hit this head on.The subject being...my slutty, sexy and sensually kinky side.
This blog entry is dedicated to those gentleman ( and one woman) who emailed me wondering why I do not include kink in my website.This to me provokes an incredibly easy response in me.If any of you had truly read my site and its intent you would have seen that it is to express D/s (dominance and submission) through my eyes. The eyes of an woman living my nature 24/7, day by day and my feelings on a variety of subjects. Seeker is a gentleman and I, his lady. Neither of us see any sense in sharing our sexual escapades together with the world, in the ways you wish to see them.If either of us thought that our intimacy together needed to be videotaped and shared with you on a live cam we would have done so. In doing so, we would be expressing the only side to D/s that the vanilla world truly wishes to see and believes BDSM in total is....kinky sex.
The name of my website is" Whisper in a dream-My D/s reality...a "different" vision of D/s". Different being the important word here in this blog entry.If any of you desire to be blind to the love, harmony and completion that D/s has given to me, that is your choice.If none of you wish to use the links provided to better understand D/s, that is your choice as well. If you desire to see people getting it on, getting flogged, getting humiliated than seek elsewhere.Many, many sites only offer the sexual side of BDSM that will make your boat float.Do not keep emailing me and complaining as you will keep receiving this same response in this blog from me.
In closing, am I a slut...YES!..am I kinky...YES!.Do we have passionate, painful and powerful scenes together..YES!. But...the ticket I offer only admits One to this show and that one is my Seeker. Thank you all for emailing me on this subject and I hope you leave this entry enlightened with no questions remaining.
Good day,
~breath{MS} aka ~hoovsies~
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