Monday, May 21, 2007

A special thank you and June 2007 Updates

Hello and lovely day everyone,
I wish to thank Ron once again for his tireless and creative efforts in fixing my site. His knowledge, talent and friendship are second to none.It is due to him that my site looks as beautiful as it does for I am still in the learning phase. Ron, give yourself a firm pat on the back from me please and revel in the emails sent to me expressing how wonderful the site now looks. For those of you not in the know, Ron has been helping me with my site since the early days of my chemotherapy and when I was at Geocities. If you wish to know this gentleman further, please take a gander at his wonderful card site, thank you. Cards from Ogden Point:

For those who have emailed about updates on articles and such at my site. Updates will again be available around the first of June 2007. Making all of the changes necessary to my site, moving to a new home, etc has taken quite a bit of time. I assure you that current updates will begin in June and continue as they should.Thank you all for your patience and interest.
Have a smile filled day!~
~breath{MS}~ aka ~hoovsies~

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