Saturday, November 1, 2008

Many Sincere Apologies

Lovely day ladies and gentleman,
Back in August of this year I was reviewed by Janes Guide. They were kind enough to give me a beautiful review in my opinion. They sent a link for me to place on my site in a reciprocal manner. I have yet to update my site recently but plan on in the next few weeks to get that in shape and running smoothly again.Due to this delay, I am placing Janes Guide link here in my blog as a temporary home until the updates are completed. I wish to thank all of those good folks at Janes Guide who took the time to look at my site and found it worthy.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Friday, October 24, 2008


To whom this may concern,
This is my public declaration that I have been had by the man who goes by the online name of: The Seeker of Enlightenment aka Seeker. I had a two year relationship with this man and although I am far from naive nor ignorant his actions on many levels are predatory.I have recently found out that this man is a chronic liar and has several relationships with other women going on for quite some time. This statement from me is meant as a warning for others. I will not share personal details here other than this individual is a danger to women.This individual is a sexual predator.Please, if you have been a victim and/or need support contact me ASAP.
Sincerely and with healing wishes,

Monday, June 23, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary My Seeker, I love you.

Today marks one year for Seeker and I. This is our second of two celebrated Anniversaries yearly. Today is very special for us. I have now been collared to my perfect, loving, genuine, wise and magnificent man for one year. We have been together going on fifteen months now. Thank you my Seeker, for the best year of my life. I love you....forever and a day.

MySpace GraphicsMySpace Graphics

Updates are coming!....cross your fingers.

Lovely day ladies and gentlemen,

Hello again! Yes, it is really me. As per the usual, I thank you all for your emails of support and concern which have helped me so much. I am just recently beginning to see the sun through the clouds again. The death of my mother, problems with my son and still house hunting with my Seeker, etc have kept me very busy and pensive. However, I am pleased to tell you that within a few weeks I should have the site updated as so many of you have requested. Keep your fingers crossed that lightening does not strike and stop me...ha!

Until that time I wish you all blessings of love, laughter and happiness and remember....Hope does spring eternal!~

Much Love and thanks,

breath{MS} aka ~ hoovsies~

Monday, January 7, 2008

I love you Mom. Rest in blissful peace.

SUSAN CAROL HILDEBRAND, 58 Susan Hildebrand of Tacoma, Washington departed this world for better place on December 16,2007. Born on August 2, 1949 to Lorraine Barker Hildebrand and the late James A. Hildebrand. Susan is survived by her mother of Gig Harbor, her devoted daughter Tara Powell and loving grandson Adam Powell of Tacoma. Also she is survived by her sisters Pamela Oquist of Gig Harbor and Janet Hildebrand-Hassouneh of Abu Dhabi (UAE). In addition she leaves behind two brothers, Mark and David Hildebrand of Puyallup. Susan was a valued member of Guadalupe House in Tacoma and will be missed by those left behind. She respected and loved all people and God's animals especially cats. She had a wonderful sense of humor and enjoyed tender moments with her grandson. A graveside service celebrating her life will be held Monday, January 7, 2008 at 11:30am at Mountain View Memorial Park. The Reverend Father William Bichsel will officiate services. Out of respect for Susan's love of people and animals, the family requests, in lieu of flowers, that memorials be made to: The Guadalupe House in Tacoma, The Humane Society or The American Diabetes Association.